Meet the Team
Nick: Greetings! My name is Nicholas "Nick" Serle. I haven't had much experience in robotics until my interest was sparked by playing with lego
NXT's. I've only played with the NXT until met Abby when I was 12 and from there, I've been competeing all while my knowlege expanded. Im not well versed in the languages of code yet but, im willing to learn and im open to any suggestions.
Abby: My name is Abigail Butka and I am the computer programmer and electrical engineer on the team. I have been around robotics since I was 6. I have also gone to multiple competitions as an observer since I was little. Soon I went to competition without the Embry Riddle team. I still had support from them but I was able to learn more doing it myself.
<--- Nick <--- Abby