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2015 Team Video

Team Video 2014




Team S.S. Minnow

A SeaPerch Becomes Autonomous



Daytona Beach Homeschoolers

Abigail Butka 9th Grader

Nick Serle 9th Grader


Figure 1 Our Sub 2014







This is our second year entering into the Robosub competition. Last year we were the first middle schoolers to enter the competition and finished in 11th place and won a $500 check. Although this was a great success, we had many technical problems such as issues with our vision system, compass errors, floatation failures, and fires during testing. This year we are coming back to the competition with many lessons learned and improved sub that addresses the issues of last year.

Our Old Sub

Last year we developed a submarine based on our previous entry in the SeaPerch competition. At the competition we did much better than we thought we would. We qualified for the semi-finals and finished in 11th place out of all the teams there.


Figure 2 Last Year’s Sub

Vision Problems

Our sub’s vision stopped working partway through the competition. This unfortunately forced us to rely on our heading hold and compass. We believe we figured out one of the problems we had during the competition last year. Every so often our vision processing board, the BeagleBone Black Board (BBBB) would lock up. At the time we thought it was just slow, but during a different project we found it was the USB hub that was slow.


Figure 3 Beaglebone Black Board and Logitech C920 Camera

Compass Problems

The problem with losing our vision during the competition was that we had to rely more on just hoping our compass would work. One problem was that it took a while for the compass to load in a new heading when it started up. Another was the external electrical fields in the pool messed up our readings.  During testing at home we found that our sub would occasionally get caught in a spiral. This happened because our compass was affected by tilt


Tilt Problems

When our sub started to turn, it would tilt. As we learned from the SeaPerch competition this year, the thrusters were no correctly located on our vehicle. When the compass indicated a turn was needed, our sub would turn and tilt. This tilt confused the compass and made us turn more, which tilted us more and caused the vehicle to lose heading lock.


No Tethering Capabilities

Having no tether on our sub meant that when our sub needed to be reprogrammed we had to take it out of the water. We also couldn’t log our data onto our computers or run our sub through a computer.


No Downward Camera

This meant we didn’t get points for following the orange strip at the bottom of the pool even though we could see it.



We managed to have plenty of fires during our testing hours. Most of these fires were caused by the motor controllers. The good news was that the Beaglebone Black Boards usually survived the fire.




Last year we used pool noodles for floatation. These would compress after our sub went down too far in the pool. This caused our sub to go down to the bottom of the competition pool. The good news was that everything still worked and nothing leaked.


The New Sub


Figure 4 The New Sub Without the Body. Here are the Sub’s

 Main Box and Battery Supply


We spent some time at the SeaPerch competition learning about buoyancy, balance, drag, and hydrostatics. Along with learning about those concepts, we won 1st place middle school at our regional competition and 3rd place overall for middle school at the national competition. We will use the knowledge we gained from this competition to build a better balanced and more stable sub.


UDOO Board

We decided to upgrade the processing power. We changed to an UDOO board which is an Arduino and Linux computer all in one. It is faster than our other board we used, the Beagle Bone Black Board. This computer has a faster quad-core processor. The UDOO also comes with a camera you can buy which we are using as our downward facing camera.


 Figure 5 UDOO Board and Downward Camera.                        Figure 6 UDOO board


This year’s compass is a YEI (IMU). Hopefully this compass will reduce the electrical field interference we had last year. The tilt problem will also hopefully be gone.

Larger Pelican Case

The UDOO is much bigger than the Beagle Bone Black board, so we bought the largest clear pelican case we could find to hold this processor. We bought motor controllers and moved them to a different box to reduce the amount of interference with the compass.

Waterproof Ethernet Plugs

We fixed the problem of having to take the sub out of the water to reprogram or take pictures off the beagle bone black board. We added a waterproof Ethernet plug to the top of our main box which will connect to the UDOO board. This will allow us to control the sub while it is in the water and reprogram in the water. Because we don’t need to open the box to reprogram we won’t have as much of a chance to flood the box with water.

Added Downward Camera

We added a downward facing camera so we can see the orange strips on the bottom of the pool and follow them to our next task.


Our sub’s vision has improved and we can now see the buoys better than last year. We also don’t have the problem where the vision processing stops working for a few seconds and then starts again.


Added Downward Camera

The UDOO camera is going to be our downward facing camera on the sub this year.





UDOO board. It is a bit hard to see in this picture, but it is there






Waterproof Ethernet connecters






Kill switch is on the lid of this gray box.






Motor Controller Wires



This year we are using purple foam instead of pool noodles. The purple foam doesn’t compress as easily as the pool noodles, and also doesn’t hold water inside of itself.

Figure 5 Our Sub's Brains


This Year’s New Tasks

This year the maneuvering task is different. There are two ways to complete this task you must either pass over the horizontal section, to the left or right of the center Red riser and inside the outer Green risers, or go around the center Red riser 360 360°


What Tasks We Will Attempt

We are going to go through the qualification gate and then do the control panel. After that we will attempt the maneuvering task.


Figure 6 Our Sub With the PVC Frame Holding the Brains



Team S.S. Minnow

A SeaPerch Becomes Autonomous



Daytona Beach Homeschoolers

Abigail Butka 9th Grader

Nick Serle 9th Grader


Figure 1 Our Sub 2014







This is our second year entering into the Robosub competition. Last year we were the first middle schoolers to enter the competition and finished in 11th place and won a $500 check. Although this was a great success, we had many technical problems such as issues with our vision system, compass errors, floatation failures, and fires during testing. This year we are coming back to the competition with many lessons learned and improved sub that addresses the issues of last year.

Our Old Sub

Last year we developed a submarine based on our previous entry in the SeaPerch competition. At the competition we did much better than we thought we would. We qualified for the semi-finals and finished in 11th place out of all the teams there.


Figure 2 Last Year’s Sub

Vision Problems

Our sub’s vision stopped working partway through the competition. This unfortunately forced us to rely on our heading hold and compass. We believe we figured out one of the problems we had during the competition last year. Every so often our vision processing board, the BeagleBone Black Board (BBBB) would lock up. At the time we thought it was just slow, but during a different project we found it was the USB hub that was slow.


Figure 3 Beaglebone Black Board and Logitech C920 Camera

Compass Problems

The problem with losing our vision during the competition was that we had to rely more on just hoping our compass would work. One problem was that it took a while for the compass to load in a new heading when it started up. Another was the external electrical fields in the pool messed up our readings.  During testing at home we found that our sub would occasionally get caught in a spiral. This happened because our compass was affected by tilt


Tilt Problems

When our sub started to turn, it would tilt. As we learned from the SeaPerch competition this year, the thrusters were no correctly located on our vehicle. When the compass indicated a turn was needed, our sub would turn and tilt. This tilt confused the compass and made us turn more, which tilted us more and caused the vehicle to lose heading lock.


No Tethering Capabilities

Having no tether on our sub meant that when our sub needed to be reprogrammed we had to take it out of the water. We also couldn’t log our data onto our computers or run our sub through a computer.


No Downward Camera

This meant we didn’t get points for following the orange strip at the bottom of the pool even though we could see it.



We managed to have plenty of fires during our testing hours. Most of these fires were caused by the motor controllers. The good news was that the Beaglebone Black Boards usually survived the fire.




Last year we used pool noodles for floatation. These would compress after our sub went down too far in the pool. This caused our sub to go down to the bottom of the competition pool. The good news was that everything still worked and nothing leaked.


The New Sub


Figure 4 The New Sub Without the Body. Here are the Sub’s

 Main Box and Battery Supply


We spent some time at the SeaPerch competition learning about buoyancy, balance, drag, and hydrostatics. Along with learning about those concepts, we won 1st place middle school at our regional competition and 3rd place overall for middle school at the national competition. We will use the knowledge we gained from this competition to build a better balanced and more stable sub.


UDOO Board

We decided to upgrade the processing power. We changed to an UDOO board which is an Arduino and Linux computer all in one. It is faster than our other board we used, the Beagle Bone Black Board. This computer has a faster quad-core processor. The UDOO also comes with a camera you can buy which we are using as our downward facing camera.


 Figure 5 UDOO Board and Downward Camera.                        Figure 6 UDOO board


This year’s compass is a YEI (IMU). Hopefully this compass will reduce the electrical field interference we had last year. The tilt problem will also hopefully be gone.

Larger Pelican Case

The UDOO is much bigger than the Beagle Bone Black board, so we bought the largest clear pelican case we could find to hold this processor. We bought motor controllers and moved them to a different box to reduce the amount of interference with the compass.

Waterproof Ethernet Plugs

We fixed the problem of having to take the sub out of the water to reprogram or take pictures off the beagle bone black board. We added a waterproof Ethernet plug to the top of our main box which will connect to the UDOO board. This will allow us to control the sub while it is in the water and reprogram in the water. Because we don’t need to open the box to reprogram we won’t have as much of a chance to flood the box with water.

Added Downward Camera

We added a downward facing camera so we can see the orange strips on the bottom of the pool and follow them to our next task.


Our sub’s vision has improved and we can now see the buoys better than last year. We also don’t have the problem where the vision processing stops working for a few seconds and then starts again.


Added Downward Camera

The UDOO camera is going to be our downward facing camera on the sub this year.





UDOO board. It is a bit hard to see in this picture, but it is there






Waterproof Ethernet connecters






Kill switch is on the lid of this gray box.






Motor Controller Wires



This year we are using purple foam instead of pool noodles. The purple foam doesn’t compress as easily as the pool noodles, and also doesn’t hold water inside of itself.

Figure 5 Our Sub's Brains


This Year’s New Tasks

This year the maneuvering task is different. There are two ways to complete this task you must either pass over the horizontal section, to the left or right of the center Red riser and inside the outer Green risers, or go around the center Red riser 360 360°


What Tasks We Will Attempt

We are going to go through the qualification gate and then do the control panel. After that we will attempt the maneuvering task.


sorry we couldnt get all the pictures in this page we are truly sorry for this inconveniance :( 



Team Video 2013

2013 paper


Our main points for our robot are hopefully reachable but we the S.S. Minnows will surely do their best to overcome all obstacles. One objective is trying to get through the gate as straight as possible and on to the next course as described next. We want to try our best to get the traffic lights in order but that will be moderately reachable if our camera stays intact we also we plan to get the maximum points for following the path to each obstacle. Those are our objectives for the competition but our team doesn’t stop there! you still have to meet us


Abby Butka: 13 years old rising 9th grade, Vision processing and software

Nick Serle: 14 years old rising 9th grader, Motor controllers and depth control


Along with that we had our first experience at seaperch a while back and we loved it so we decided to use the seaperch design and turn it autonomous for flair and functionality. For our design it is of course the seaperch for flair and functionality like I said but in seaperch we use controllers how will it see and move?? We used a Beagle Bone Black Board (BBBB) and a webcam for vision; these along with a modified pressure sensor and, and i.m.u. talk to an Arduino Uno which is our main brain.  All the circuitry was made by Abby. I have gotten some bilge pumps to take them apart and use the pre-waterproofed part to use as the motor. That motor will move 8oo gallons per hour.

We would like to acknowledge Embry Riddle Aeronautical University for their financial support. We would also like to acknowledge Embry Riddle Robotics Association for their guidance. We would also like to thank our advisor Dr. Butka for his help in converting Labview Vision processing into openCV, Randy Breingan and Chris Sammet for their help with the startup Linux files, Chris Hockley for inspiration, and Dimech Turbines and Germfree corporations for their unyielding support in this effort.

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